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Time Series for LEO

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Version 2 2023-03-17, 08:33
Version 1 2023-03-17, 08:32
posted on 2023-03-17, 08:33 authored by Juan Misael Gongora-TorresJuan Misael Gongora-Torres


1. Introduction

1.1 This folder contains time series for the elevation angle obtained from  simulations for the following orbit altitudes:

1. 1000 km 

2. 1200 km

3. 1400 km

4. 1600 km 

5. 1800 km 

6. 2000 km

1.2 For each altitude, the following orbit inclinations where 


20º, 25º, 30º, ..., 85º

1.3 The elevation angle time series were observed from 16 Earth Station's, ES's. Those ES's are numbered and located* as follows:

1.  ES1  = ( 0º, 276.7121º)

2.  ES2  = ( 5º, 276.7121º)

3.  ES3  = (10º, 276.7121º)

4.  ES4  = (15º, 276.7121º)

5.  ES5  = (20º, 276.7121º)

6.  ES6  = (25º, 261.7121º)

7.  ES1  = (30º, 259.7121º)

8.  ES2  = (35º, 259.7121º)

9.  ES3  = (40º, 259.7121º)

10. ES4  = (45º, 259.7121º)

11. ES5  = (50º, 259.7121º)

12. ES6  = (55º, 259.7121º)

13. ES7  = (60º, 259.7121º)

14. ES8  = (65º, 259.7121º)

15. ES9  = (70º, 259.7121º)

16. ES10 = (75º, 259.7121º)

17. ES11 = (80º, 259.7121º)

18. ES12 = (85º, 259.7121º)

*Location for the ES's is provided in cartesian format: 

(latitude in deg, longitude in deg)

1.4 The eccentricity for all the simulations correspond to that of a circular orbit. 

1.5 For organization convenience, all the time series files are 

organized within six folders according to their orbit altitudes. 

1.6 Files in this folder are provided to facilitate reproduction of our work and to encourage future work based on our proposed methodology and results. 

2. General description

2.1 Time series filenames

Each time series is identified with the following character format: 



hhhh indicates the orbit altitude

ii   indicates the orbit inclination

ES#  indicates the ES from which the elevation angle is 

being observed

2.2 Time series length

Elevation angle time series are provided for a simulation period of 180 


3. File format

3.1 Time series are provided using the .csv (comma separated values) 

file format to facilitate reading through diverse programming tools. 

3.2 Each time series is provided as an individual two-column .csv file.

The first column contains the time vector and the second contains the 

corresponding elevation angle vector.   


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