Thought-Monitoring, ideology changing tools & "Mind Control" Weapons: The East/West Controversy
This documentary shows five clips from secret Russian government training films. The films confirm the
existence of psychotronic generators. One film features Dr. Smirnov demonstrating his equipment to top
government officials of North Korea. Another film shows the militia leader V. M. Soniko during the war in
Afghanistan in which he helped pilots overcome stress and fight ruthlessly.
Andre Slepucha, (spelling could be incorrect), was a prisoner of the Stalinistic camps and the KGB and
claims that he received psychotronic treatment there in 1953
Since the 1970's it is no longer a secret that the Soviet Intelligence Services experimented
with the psyches of its imprisoned dissidents. But Slepucha also points out a more recent
example of a possible psychotronic manipulation which involved top [Russian] government
The patient in this top-secret instruction film of the Interior Ministry is a
perfectly healthy officer of the Special Forces [shown] here during [his] psychological
preparation for Special Missions. This could be regarded as a genuine Zombie Factory.
[CLOSE-UP of a computer monitor displaying various rhythms (heart, breathing & perspiration
rates, etcetera) as well as of the face of the man undergoing the treatment, hooked up to a
variety of electronic devices, and the face of the man now speaking]
Speaker of brainwashing operation :
There is a feeling of calmness in every conceivable circumstance. In every conceivable
situation. In every conceivable circumstance. You will keep your self-control. Your organism
will function reliably and solidly. In every circumstance, even in the most difficult. In every
muscle, in every cell of your organism you will feel, now and forever, a pleasant clam energy
in every single cell. [A video of a drug bust is shown while the treatment continues] This
condition will remain with you in every conceivable, difficult situation. Calm self-assurance.
Calm self-assurance in even the most difficult situation
In the same archive film, we discover even more evidence dealing with the concern for the
psychological health of the human being.
(Same) Member of the laboratory :
[The laboratory member explains a drawing of a building complex on a wall] This fantastic
experimental-technical development was [conducted/carried out upon] the orders of the
[Soviet/Russian] Defense Ministry. This movable complex is a container which is made up of a
bioresonance room, a machine room, a hospital room, and a [very] special bio-manual
treatment room. With a length of 12 meters, a height of 3 meters, and a width of 3 meters it
satisfies the general European standards
// Can be transported anywhere and on "sting operations" re-program field victim.
And why was especially the military so interested in this?
M. Moscow Times, July 11, 1995, N. 750, "Report: Soviets Used
Top-Secret' Weapons by Owen Matthew's with comments by V.N.
N. Delovoi Mir, pp. 1,9 "Mind-Control" by Ivan Tsarev, with
complaints filed with Russian government by victims of EMR mind
control experiments.
O. Los Angeles Times, 1976? "Russia Testing Radiation to Cause
Disease, Control Minds and Kill", by Paul Bannister
P Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Nov. 22, 1976, "Mind-Altering
Microwaves, Soviets Studying Invisible Ray"
Q. Fate Magazine, Feb, 1994, Vol. 47, No. 2 Issue 527, "Soviet
Psychic Warfare", by Paul Stonehill
R. Executive Intelligence Review Special Report, 1988,
"Electromagnetic-Effect Weapons: The Technology and the
Strategic Implications"
The Second and Equally Convincing Argument For the Existence of U.S. EMR Mind Control
Weapons: The East/West Controversy over Thermal/Athermal effects of EMR Ends With the
Exposure of a U.S. Cold War Cover Story
1. Freedom of Information Act excerpts from Harlan Girard, released 2001
A. Moscow Rabochaya Tribuna Nov. 26, 1994 pp 1-2,
"Psychotropic Arms Potential Must Be Monitored', by Anatolily
Ptushenko, Member of the Russian Federation of Space
Exploration Scientific and Technical Council. "While microwave
radiation is variable: it can affect a person (or an army) temporarily
or possibly forever. It is all determined by the mix of frequency and
the power of the radiation. These systems were called
"psychotropic Weapons" in official secret documents 30 years
ago. It was these systems that we began to appreciate in the
sixties. ...Nevertheless; faced with such a terrible danger as
psychotropic weapons (and other kinds of space-based weapon),
it is our duty to ensure that the development and operation of
space-based solar energy systems receive popular and above all
mass media scrutiny."
B. Russia National Information Security, Moscow Armeyskiy
Sbornik, Oct. 96, No. 10, pp 88-90 "National Information Security:
Opinion of the Subject", by Major General Valeriy Menshikov,
doctor of technical sciences and Colonel Boris Rodionov,
discussed satellites, remote mind control
A. AP Extra by Barton Reppert, May 21, 1988, "The Zapping of an
Embassy: 35 Years Later, The Mystery Lingers"
B. November 6, 1953, "Destroying American Minds-Russians
Made it a Science" Dr. Charles W. Mayo to the Political Committee
of the United Nations about methods of torture used by
Communists on American prisoners.
C.. Federal Times, Dec 13, 1976, "Microwave Weapons Study by
Soviet Cited", From GPO, 1976 "Surveillance, Technology, Policy
and Implications" Staff Report Subcommittee on Constitutional
Rights, Committee on Judiciary, US Senate, Second Session.
D. Modern Electronics, Sept 1985, "Combating the Russian
Woodpecker", by Glenn Hauser
E. UN, July 10, 1979, Committee on Disarmament by V.L.
Issraelyan, Representative of the USSR, discusses development
of new weapon of mass destruction based on 'non-thermal'
F. Letter to Cheryl Welsh from NSA,CIA, May 19, 1997, "Soviet
mind control classified..."
G. NBC Magazine with David Brinkley, July 16, 1981, No. 47592,
discussing Russian Woodpecker Signal and mind control.
H. U.S News and World Report, July 7, 1997, "Wonder Weapons,
The Pentagon has a huge classified program to build sci-fi arms
that won't kill the enemy. ..." By Douglas Pasternak
4. 2000 Video by Council on Wireless Technology Impacts, "Public Exposure", More evidence of athermal controversy
A. Microwave News, March/April 2001 "Views on the News: Weapons
Development and Public Health Should Not Mix"
Cahra Website posting, "Russian Book Translation Project Has Begun"
2. U.C Davis students translate sixty-two pages of the Russian book "Psychotronic Weapons
and the Security of Russia" by V.N. Lopatin and V.D. Tsygankov,1999 Moscow
3. Translation excerpts from second book "Psychotronic War, From Myths to Facts" by Igor
Vinokurov and Georgij Gurtovoj", Moscow 1993, Translated by Mojmir Babacek
4. Several corroborating Russian newspaper articles on mind control
5. 1998 German TV, ZDF, "Secret Russia: Moscow--the Zombies of the Red Czars",
documentary on Russian victims of psychotronic experiments, obtained by Blanche
Yuriy Lopatin, author of the Russian book, is mentioned in two unclassified government documents
The subject was a Moscow Russian Public Television program
on Oct 6, 1995 entitled "Man and Law", Scientists Discuss Mind Control Technology. The program included
an interview of ;
Contacting the highly influential and reputable Lopatin, an expert in the Duma in Russia would be a big step
forward in strengthening the claims of victims in the US, at an international level. In addition, the translation
can be used to generate funding from sponsors of human rights groups.The translation could be shared with
other human rights groups, especially ICRC, which has worked extensively on the electromagnetic radiation
(emr) issue.
A few people in Cahra's network have engineering backgrounds and may use the technical information in
the book. The U.S. government position is that EMR technology is classified. Therefore technical
information on Russian victims and Russian mind control technology will support the claims of extensive use
of mind control weapons and the obvious need for the US to have corresponding mind control technology, a
fact which is denied by the US government.
There are a few attorneys working on freedom of information requests and this information could narrow the
search. The Russian legal and political writings and government documents by Duma expert Lopatin will be
invaluable for credibility and substantiation of mind control experiments on an international level. Finally, the
information on victims in Russia could be evaluated and added to the literature review in the Dr. Bertell
Preliminary Study.
"There is also published in 1999 in Moskow very serious and fundamental book by Lopatin. He is author of
the third legislation project, the chairman of Dumas Ecological Committee before the autumn of 1999. Emilia Cherkova and her group in Russian book "Psychotronic War" by A.Vinokurov and
M.Gurtovoi, edited in Moskow in 1993. This organization had approximately 500 members in 1990-1993,
mostly democratic activists from Russia and Moskov - victims, targeted by KGB using infrasonic and
psychotronic weapon in combination with direct "hunting" on the cities streets.