oak_hornbeam_thinning_trial.csv (31.48 kB)

Thinning response of oak-hornbeam forests near Vienna, Austria

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posted on 2021-10-04, 09:13 authored by Mathias NeumannMathias Neumann, Hubert Hasenauer
Data used in publication entitled "Thinning Response and Potential Basal Area—A Case Study in a Mixed Sub-Humid Low-Elevation Oak-Hornbeam Forest" published in "Forests".

Description of content:
"stand" indicate three plots, UT unthinned, MT moderatly thinned, HT heavy thinned
"id" is the tree identifier
"species" is the tree species, 21 and 46 Fagus sylvatica, 22 Carpinus betulus, 23 and 44 Quercus petraea, 42 Quercus cerris, 47 Sorbus torminalis, 55 Pyrus pyraster
"dbh09" diameter at breast height (DBH) measured in 2009 (unit millimeter)
"dbh14" DBH measured in 2014
"dbh19" DBH measured in 2019
"ht09" tree height (HT) measured in 2009 (unit meter)
"ht14" HT measured in 2014
"ht19" HT measured in 2019
