
The Twitter Parliamentarian Database

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Version 3 2023-10-27, 07:52
Version 2 2021-08-24, 09:11
Version 1 2020-07-24, 09:10
posted on 2023-10-27, 07:52 authored by Livia van VlietLivia van Vliet

This is the Twitter Parliamentarian Database: a database consisting of parliamentarian names, parties and twitter ids from the following countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Poland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, New Zealand, Turkey, United States, Canada, Australia, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Latvia and Slovenia. In addition, the database includes the European Parliament.

The tweet ids from the politicans' tweets have been collected from September 2017 - 31 October 2019 (all_tweet_ids.csv). In compliance with Twitter's policy, we only store tweet ids, which can be re-hydrated into full tweets using existing tools. More information on how to use the database can be found in the readme.txt.It is recommended that you use the .csv files to work with the data, rather than the SQL tables. Information on the relations in the SQL database can be found in the Database codebook.pdf.


  • The tweet ids for 2021 have been added as '2021.csv'

Update #2:

  • The tweet ids for 2020 have been added as '2020.csv'
  • The last party table has been added as 'parties_2021_04_28.csv'
  • The last members table has been added as 'members_2021_04_28.csv'


European Commission H2020 FETPROACT-2016 Action ODYCCEUS (Grant No. 732942)
