Behavioral metadata collected Feb 2016.xlsx (9.29 kB)
Behavioral data collected Feb 2016.xlsx (33.88 kB)
2 files

Task allocation and site fidelity jointly influence foraging regulation in honey bee colonies

posted on 2017-07-14, 16:59 authored by Chelsea CookChelsea Cook, Thiago MosqueiroThiago Mosqueiro, Ramon Huerta, Jurgen Gadau, Brian Smith, Noa Pinter-Wollman
In this dataset we are sharing behavioral observations of honey bees foraging for two feeders placed near their hive. This data was used to assess the persistence of honey bees at foraging for a particular resource location when presented with two different feeders with sucrose solution. We marked foragers for individual identification using water-based acrylic, and recorded the time at which they visited a feeder. Between February 3rd and 26th (2016), we observed 1307 trips from 323 honey bee foragers from five different colonies.

For more information, we refer to our paper:
Mosqueiro T, Cook C, Huerta R, Gadau J, Smith B, Pinter-Wollman N. 2017 Task allocation and site fidelity jointly influence foraging regulation in honeybee colonies. R. Soc. open sci. 4:170344. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.170344 (in press). Preprint available here.

Columns in the metadata file:

Day: day of the year when the experiment was performed.
expID: index of each experiment within the same day
identity of the feeder
Colonies: identity of the colonies used in that day
distFeedHive: distance between feeders and hive
FirstObs: timestamp of the first observation in that day and feeder
LastObs: timestamp of the last observation in that day and feeder
TotalObs: Total number of trips registered in that day and feeder.

Columns in the data file:

beeID: individual code assigned to a bee for each colony and day.
expID: experiments in the same day
Day: day of the year when the experiment was performed.
Feeder: identity of the feeder
FirstVisit: timestamp of the first visit per bee
TotalObs: total number of times a particular bee was observed in a feeder
returnTrips: number of trips in sequence to the same feeder
Persistence: average of return trips per feeder


National Institutes of Health (NIH), grant number R01GM113967. National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), grant number 234817/2014-3.


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