ol5b03027_si_002.cif (47.23 kB)

Synthesis and Structural Characterization of a Cyclen-Derived Molecular Cage

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posted on 2015-12-04, 00:00 authored by Alexander Ganß, Raquel Belda, Javier Pitarch, Richard Goddard, Enrique García-España, Stefan Kubik
Reaction of a tetrafunctionalized cyclen derivative containing four aldehyde groups with an appropriate diamine followed by reduction and demetalation highly efficiently affords a bis­(cyclen)-derived molecular cage. Potentiometric investigations show that this compound forms dimetallic complexes with copper­(II), with the two metal ions selectively coordinated to the cyclen units. X-ray crystallography indicates that these complexes could give rise to new cascade complexes after incorporation of anions between the metal centers.
