10 files

Supporting data to 'Macroevolutionary patterns in intragenomic rDNA variability among planktonic foraminifera'

posted on 2023-04-03, 11:30 authored by Mattia GrecoMattia Greco

Alignment files

Alignments used to investigate the presence of intragenomic polymorphism in foraminiferal specimens.

The .fasta files are organised in folders by helix and in single files by specimen_id.

Phylogenetic trees

Non-Spinose, Spinose and Microperforate .tree files used for the phylogenetic analyses.


Table reporting the cloning effort for each species analysed in the study. The number of specimens cloned is reported in the column 'cloned' and the ones for which the sequence was obtained by direct sequencing in the column 'd_sequencing'. 


Summary of the results of the analyses used to calculate intragenomic variability incidence for each region investigated.

In the table we report the number of specimens with intragenomic variability, the total number of specimens analysed, the clade and the calculated incidence.


Table reporting overall incidence of intragenomic variability including data from all the variable regions analysed for each species.


Table reporting the number and the position(s) of the polymorphic sites detected in the specimens displaying intragenomic variability. 


Table summarising the amount of polymorphic sites located on stem or loop regions of the helix. The derived stem loop ratio is reported in the column sl_ratio


For each specimen, the alignment consensus sequences used for the molecular simulations are reported in dot-bracked format.


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