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Supporting GIS files used to setup landscape in spatially explicit agent-based model simulations discussed in ‘Supplementary Materials 3’ of the manuscript “A colonial-nesting seabird shows limited heart rate responses to natural variation in threats of polar bears”.

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posted on 2023-09-15, 11:36 authored by Erica A. Geldart, Oliver P. Love, Andrew F. Barnas, Christopher M. Harris, H. Grant Gilchrist, Christina A. D. Semeniuk
Compressed folder containing coordinate system associated with imagery files (test_island.prj), imagery data (test_island.shp), and other supporting GIS files (test_island.cpg, .dbf, .sbn, .sbx, .shp (xml), .shx) to create East Bay Island, Nunavut, Canada landscape in Netlogo.
