TonalReassociationFactorialTypologies.rar (72.54 MB)

Supplemental files to Chapter 4 of Breteler (2018) for replication of Harmonic Serialism factorial typologies of tonal reassociation using foot structure

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posted on 2018-02-05, 19:48 authored by Jeroen BretelerJeroen Breteler
This readme accompanies the additional materials relating to Chapter 4 of Breteler's (2018) dissertation on tonal reassociation. The materials can be used to replicate the findings presented in that chapter.

The materials are divided across three folders. Folder #1 contains two input files for OTWorkplace (Prince et al. 2016) for the two frameworks discussed in Chapter 4. The factorial typology calculations can be performed by loading an input file and loading OTWorkplace, and then running the macro FacTypHSNoOpsMain. This macro will create a new sheet which contains all the possible sets of mappings for different constraint rankings, i.e. the factorial typology. The folder also includes my own versions of these output files for the two frameworks. These are the output files on which the text is in Chapter 4 is based.

Folder #2 contains processed versions of the two output files. These processed files show lists of unique output patterns, and are complemented by descriptions of my interpretations of the patterns.

Folder #3 contains an installer for the version of OTWorkplace that I used (Prince et al. 2016). The installer has its own readme file, named "AAA_README_Sept_15_2016.pdf".


Breteler, Jeroen. 2018. A foot-based typology of tonal reassociation: Perspectives from synchrony and learnability. PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam.

Prince, Alan, Tesar, Bruce, and Merchant, Naz, 2016. OTWorkplace_X_90. Software package, retrieved from


Research was funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) through the graduate program of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT), in the context of the project “Language – from cognition to communication” (NWO project number 022.004.015).
