Rytwinski et al. 2022c_Study validity assessment results.xlsx (65.48 kB)

Study validity assessment results for "How do natural changes in flow magnitude affect fish abundance and biomass in temperate regions? A systematic review"

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posted on 2022-12-22, 15:05 authored by Trina RytwinskiTrina Rytwinski, Hsien-Yung Lin, Meagan Harper, Karen E. Smokorowski, Adrienne Smith, Jessica L. Reid, Jessica J. Taylor, Kim Birnie-GauvinKim Birnie-Gauvin, Michael J. Bradford, James A. Crossman, Richard Kavanagh, Nicolas W.R. Lapointe, Katrine TurgeonKatrine Turgeon, Steven J Cooke

In this excel file we provide a the results of study validity assessments for each article/project included in the narrative synthesis. 

Tab 1: Study validity assessment: Includes assessment for each project.

Tab 2: Criteria and definitions: includes definitions for each criterion considered

Tab 3: Study validity set aside: includes assessments that were subsequently changed due to a change in extraction requirements (i.e., spatial BA studies converted to temporal BA studies).
