NEON Spatio-temporal Teaching Data Subset
This includes teaching data subsets that contains spatio-temporal data for the National Ecological Observatory Network's Harvard Forest and San Joaquin Experimental Range (SJER) field sites.
The tutorials using these data subset can be found on the NEON Data Skills portal .
CONTENTS: Precipitation, temperature and other variables collected from a flux tower at the NEON Harvard Forest site. NOTE: these data are not collected from the NEON tower. A set of shapefiles for the NEON's Harvard Forest field site and US and (some) state boundary layers. 2011 NDVI data product provided by USGS cropped to NEON's Harvard Forest and San Joaquin Experimental Range field sites. LiDAR data including a canopy height model, digital elevation model and digital surface model for NEON's Harvard Forest and San Joaquin Experimental Range field sites.