13. Halina Witek-Tylczyńska - Smak głodu i głód smaku. Zapiski sytego.pdf (206.85 kB)

Smak głodu i głód smaku. Zapiski sytego /

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posted on 2015-06-10, 12:34 authored by Kultura WspółczesnaKultura Współczesna, Halina Witek-Tylczyńska

Hunger is considered a liminal experience and is usually associated with violence: violence of the body towards the one who “has” the body/ “is” the body and with human acts of violence towards the body. The author looks at different examples of transgressing biological limitations, “tough” negotiations with soma, which as it seems are not negotiable. What is the relation between unwanted hunger (the one that makes life tasteless and meaningless), voluntary fasting (tasted by ascetes)  and the world of satiety? Do those who free  themselves from fetters of biology trough the experience of empty stomach and transcend from nature to culture win a life and fulfill  non-physiological hunger?
