pgen.1009750.s004.xlsx (17.98 kB)

Results for all models for GS18K cohort.

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posted on 2021-09-09, 17:31 authored by Carmen Amador, Yanni Zeng, Michael Barber, Rosie M. Walker, Archie Campbell, Andrew M. McIntosh, Kathryn L. Evans, David J. Porteous, Caroline Hayward, James F. Wilson, Pau Navarro, Chris S. Haley

A. Models with smoking fitted as a random effect. B. Models with smoking fitted as a random effect. The tables show, for each trait, proportion of the phenotypic variance explained (Var), standard error (SE), Significance of the t-statistic (Sig, P), P value for the log-likelihood ratio test (LRT P, only for the interactions) by each of the components in the model: Genetic (G), Kinship (K), Smoking (when fitted as a random effect, Smk), Genome-by-Smoking interaction (GxSmk), Genome-by-Smoking-by-Sex interaction (GxSmkxSex), Kinship-by-Smoking interaction (KxSmk). Highlighted P values indicate nominally significant results for the interaction components.

