pone.0259185.s009.xlsx (13.69 kB)

Result of pathway analysis.

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posted on 2021-11-29, 18:50 authored by Claudia Perne, Sophia Peters, Maria Cartolano, Sukanya Horpaopan, Christina Grimm, Janine Altmüller, Anna K. Sommer, Axel M. Hillmer, Holger Thiele, Margarete Odenthal, Gabriela Möslein, Ronja Adam, Sugirthan Sivalingam, Jutta Kirfel, Michal R. Schweiger, Martin Peifer, Isabel Spier, Stefan Aretz

The most interesting pathways extracted via Reactome are shown. Ratio refers to the proportion of Reactome pathway molecules represented by this pathway. The p-value is the result of the statistical test for over-representation, and the False Discovery rate (FDR) is the corrected probability of over-representation.

