
Reproductive Maturation in Geoduck clams (Panopea generosa)

posted on 2016-04-29, 18:03 authored by Grace CrandallGrace Crandall, Steven RobertsSteven Roberts
This fileset includes a research paper describing reproductive maturation in geoduck clams with 200 images of gonadal histological sections and associated datasheets.

Female Staging Pictures
* Images of each histology slide of female geoduck tissue samples taken with iPhone 5 camera
* Labeling: fG##_s#_##x.jpg
   * f - female
   * G## - geoduck number
   * s# - reproductive maturation stage
   * ##x - magnification 

Male Staging Pictures
* Images of each histology slide of male geoduck tissue samples taken with iPhone 5 camera
* Labeling: mG##_s#_##x.jpg
   * m - male
   * G## - geoduck number
   * s# - reproductive maturation stage
   * ##x - magnification

Data Spreadsheets
* Female ReproMaturation Staging (.xlsx): lists each female geoduck (labeled Geo_##) under each reproductive maturation stage with the maturation parameters - average oocyte size (µ) and average follicle size (µ)
* Male ReproMaturation Staging (.xlsx): lists each male geoduck (labeled Geo_##) under each reproductive maturation stage with the maturation parameters - percent composition of spermatids in acini and percent coverage of tissue sample of acini
* Geoduck Data_MASTERSHEET: lists all data collected: sampling date, geoduck label, geoduck gender, reproductive maturation stage, weight prior to dissection (g), shell length (mm), gross examination notes, and whether hemolymph was sampled successfully


University of Washington Royalty Research Fund and School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
