ja0291540_si_003.cif (19.75 kB)

Remarkable Metal-Rich Ternary Chalcogenides Sc14M3Te8 (M = Ru, Os)

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posted on 2003-01-10, 00:00 authored by Ling Chen, John D. Corbett
In this novel motif, scandium atoms define infinite parallel chains of alternate trans-face-sharing cubes and pairs of square antiprisms in which each polyhedron is also centered by an M atom (M = Ru, Os). These chains are further linked into a three-dimensional structure by Sc(Te2Te4/2) octahedra. Physical property measurements show Sc14Ru3Te8 to be metallic and Pauli-paramagnetic, consistent with the results of extended Hückel band structure calculations. Matrix effects are evident in the dimensions within the chains. The major interactions are Sc−M and Sc−Te.
