A complex whole-body serial reaction time task was performed while participants received 20 minutes of transcranial direct current stimulation over either leg primary motor cortex (group = 4), bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (group = 1) or received sham stimulation (group = 3). SRTT learning was performed over two consecutive days with an inter-day interval of 24 hours. On day 1, 4 random sequences (R1-R4) were presented, followed by 15 learning sequences (S1-S15), followed by one random sequence (R5) at the end. On day 2, 1 random sequence was presented at the beginning (R1), followed by 15 learning sequences (S1-S15), followed by one random sequence (R2) at the end. We investigated the mean time participants took to complete the sequence (SRTT-tDCS_MTCS) and the mean time participants took to react to each upcoming item (SRTT_tDCS_ReT). Descriptives among other things include the number of recalled items participants would recall at the end of the second day (max: 12 items) and responses from a visual analog scale asking for Attention (A), Fatigue (F) and Discomfort (D) on a 1-10 scale.