2 files

RAAAP-3 SPSS Syntax Files

RAAAP-3 Data Cleansing v5.sps 

This syntax file is designed to take the raw SPSS data from the RAAAP-3 Qualtrics questionnaire and process it in order to, as per the RAAAP-3 Data Analysis Plan:

3. Data Identification - Removal of “non-data” (eg “click here to agree” = all are 1)

4. Systematic review of each variable - is it the correct type?

5. Data Cleansing - (eg -99  system missing)

6. Data Correcting - (eg missing response options backfilling based on free text (eg if a US state was missing from the choices this could be backcoded based on other responses))

7. Data Anonymising  (removal/redaction of any text that might give rise to identification)

8. Data Recoding - for clearer analysis [eg 8 (=1 year as a research admin) recode to 1]

9. Data Rationalisation (eg “years in research administration” into 5 year bands)

10. Data Consolidation (eg merging of data fields where appropriate [3 “other” into 1] [optional step]

11. Data Fusion (eg merging of two independent fields into a complex variable [eg Gender and Age into Gender-Age] for more insightful analyses) [optional step]

After the data are cleansed:

RAAAP-3 create final datasets (for v5) 3rd May 2023.sps 

is used to:

11A            Data splitting and saving - to aid anonynimity, eg separating free text from multichoice responses

Note that other steps from the data analysis plan are not conducted in this SPSS file, but elsewhere
