phenogeno_ABH_99_20.csv (404.63 kB)

QTL mapping of seedling and field resistance to stem rust in DAKIYE/Reichenbachii durum wheat population

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posted on 2022-07-17, 10:45 authored by Shitaye MegerssaShitaye Megerssa, Karim Ammar, Maricelis Acevedo, Gary Carlton Bergstrom, Susanne Dreisigacker, Gina Brown-Guedira, Brian Ward, Mark E. Sorrells, Mandeep S. Randhawa6

This data is the for stem rust phenotyping of biparental population (Recombinant inbred lines) in greenhouse and in the file in Ethiopia and Kenya. The R/qtl package functions were used to map loci associated with seedling and field resitance to stem rust in durum wheat biparental population,


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
