49 files

Plates of sawflies, published on figshare in 2015

posted on 2015-12-08, 18:49 authored by Andreas TaegerAndreas Taeger

Plates of sawflies, published on figshare in 2015

The plates all have their own DOI numbers and descriptions (for details look there). In some cases, additional authors are involved.


Tenthredo amplicapitata Zombori, 1974, holotype. — Tenthredo grandiceps Malaise 1938, holotype. — Allantus lateralis Mocsáry, 1909, lectotype. — Tenthredo fulvicornis Mocsáry, 1909, lectotype. — Tenthredo fulviventris Mocsáry, 1909, lectotype. — Allantus ussuriensis Mocsáry, 1909, lectotype. — Tenthredo lateralis Mocsáry, 1909, lectotype. — Tenthredo minuta Mocsáry, 1909, lectotype. — Allantus glesicornis Konow, 1899, lectotype. — Allantus intercinctus Malaise, 1934 holotype. — Tenthredo amurensis Konow, 1891, holotype. — Tenthredo erasa Malaise, 1945, holotype. — Tenthredella ussuriensis Forsius, 1918, holotype. — Tenthredo oraria Zombori, 1973, holotype. — Rhogogaster viridis forma montana Betrem, 1933, lectotype. — Tenthredo (Tenthredella) eburneifrons W.F. Kirby, 1882, female. — Allantus brachycerus Mocsáry, 1909, lectotype. — Allantus brachycerus var. guttator Malaise, 1934, holotype. — Allantus omissus Förster, 1844, lectotype. — Tenthredo erasa MALAISE, 1945, paratype. — Allantus kohli Konow, 1895. — Rhogogastera aenescens Mocsáry, 1909, lectotype. — Tenthredo (Temuledo) finschi W.F. KIRBY, 1882 from Utulik. — Rhogogaster punctulata (KLUG, 1817), male from Sweden. — Rhogogaster magniserrula Viitasaari, 2015, holotype. — Rhogogaster viridis var. sibirica Enslin, 1912, lectotype. — Rhogogaster viridis var. nigroscutellata Forsius, 1918. — Sciapteryx virescens Jakowlew, 1887, type series. — Sciopteryx gilva Konow, 1907, paralectotype SDEI. — Rhogogaster chlorosoma podkumokensis Muche, 1973, lectotype. — Rhogogaster genistae viridifrons Muche, 1973, lectotype. — Rhogogaster genistae viridifrons Muche, 1973, male, Paralectotype. — Rhogogaster genistae viridifrons, variability of the female. — Sciopteryx gilva Konow, 1908, type series. — Tenthredo amurica Dalla Torre, 1894, female from Germany. — Tenthredo amurica Dalla Torre, 1894, figures of various specimens. — Tenthredo amurica Dalla Torre, 1894, male from Germany. — Tenthredo eburneifrons Kirby, 1882, male from Anisimovka. — Tenthredo eburneifrons W.F. Kirby, 1882, figures of several specimens. — Tenthredo lichtwardti Konow, 1899, lectotype. — Rhogogaster magniserrula Viitasaari, paratype, Kirov. — Tenthredo (Rhogogaster) chlorosoma Benson, 1943, paratype SDEI. — Rhogogaster auctor Weiffenbach, 1967, female, paratype. — Rhogogaster chlorosoma (Benson, 1943) from Ukraine. — Rhogogaster magniserrula Viitasaari paratype from Enontekiö. — Tenthredo versuta Mocsáry, 1909, lectotype. — Allantus eburneus Mocsáry, 1909, Lectotype. — Tenthredo leucocera Mocsáry, 1909, syntype. — Tenthredo minuta Mocsáry, 1909, lectotype. — Tenthredo rubiapicilina Wei, 2002. — Tenthredo rubiapicilina Wei, 2002, dark form. — Macrophya punctumalbum (Linneaus, 1758), male from Sweden.


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