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Methane production controls in a young thermokarst lake formed by abrupt permafrost thaw

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Version 2 2022-03-01, 16:32
Version 1 2022-03-01, 16:14
posted on 2022-03-01, 16:32 authored by André Pellerin, Noam LotemNoam Lotem, Katey Walter Anthony, Efrat Eliani Russak, Nicholas Hasson, Hans Røy, Jeffrey P Chanton, Orit Sivan
Data on sediment porewater, incubation experiments, and bubble samples, retrieved from ‘Big Trail Lake’, a young thermokarst lake 8 km north of Fairbanks, Alaska (64°55'9.47"N, 147°49'20.08"W). The full description of the data, measurement methods, and interpretation will be published in Pellerin, Lotem et al., ‘Methane production controls in a young thermokarst lake formed by abrupt permafrost thaw’, Global Change Biology (accepted). Authors: André Pellerin, Noam Lotem, Katey Walter Anthony, Efrat Eliani Russak, Nicholas Hasson, Hans Røy, Jeffrey P. Chanton, and Orit Sivan


This research was funded by the ERC consolidator grant 818450 to O.S. A.P. acknowledges support of the Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program. N.L. acknowledges support of the Israel Water Authority. The NASA Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABOVE) NNN12AA01C and NNH18ZDA001N-TE and National Science Foundation NNA 2022561 supported N.H. and K.W.A.
