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Peer review comments and judgements for F1000Research, Gates Open, Wellcome and HRB

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posted on 2019-10-07, 18:48 authored by Mike ThelwallMike Thelwall
22 datasets of peer review comments and judgements for version 1 documents in the F1000Research, Gates Open Research, Wellcome Open Research and HRB Open Research publication portals.

The F1000Research, Wellcome Open and Gates Open documents are from 8 July 2019. The HRB documents are from 17 July 2019.

Filenames indicate the publishing platform and document type except that the Development and Evaluation sets are systematic split of the F1000Research article comments.

The first two columns encode the referee judgement, as follows
4 -1: Approved
3 -3: Approved with reservations
1 -4: Not approved

This project was funded by Jisc.
