lake_ice_industrial_revolution_data.csv (195.3 kB)

Patterns of lake ice phenology in 18 lakes across the Northern Hemisphere

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Version 2 2020-10-28, 23:53
Version 1 2020-10-28, 23:45
posted on 2020-10-28, 23:45 authored by Mohammad ImritMohammad Imrit, Sapna Sharma
A dataset of lake ice cover records (did the lake freeze or not, date of freeze (ice_on) and date of thaw (ice_off)) for 18 lakes with time series from the 1810s-2017+, with data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center and the data portal from the Long-term Ecological Research Network (Benson et al., 2000; Sharma et al., 2019). For each lake, we also include the GPS coordinates.
