PDBbind v.2013 core set manually curated to optimize the hydrogen bond network considering protein and ligand protonation states.
The description of this dataset preparation is published in the following reference:
Guedes, I. A.; Barreto, A. M. S.; Marinho, D.; Krempser, E.; Kuenemann, M. A.; Sperandio, O.; Dardenne, L. E.; Miteva, M. A. New Machine Learning and Physics-Based Scoring Functions for Drug Discovery. Sci Rep2021, 11 (1), 3198. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-82410-1.
CNPq grant numbers 307634/2019-1 and 306894/2019-0
FAPERJ grant numbers E-26/010.001229/2015 and E-26/210.935/2019
PCI-LNCC grant numbers 300463/2019-7 and 312604/2016-5
French ANR agency (grant ToxME), INSERM institute and University of Paris