
P-wave velocity and density models of Montserrat

posted on 2020-11-19, 20:40 authored by Michele PaulattoMichele Paulatto, Max Moorkamp, Stefanie Hautmann, Emilie Hooft, Joanna Morgan, R Stephen J Sparks
P-wave velocity model and density model obtained by joint inversion of seismic traveltimes and gravity anomalies as described in Paulatto et al. (2019).
The traveltime data come from the SEA-CALIPSO experiment and are described in Paulatto et al. (2012). The gravity data are a compilation of land and marine gravity data. The code used for the inversion (jif3D, is described in Moorkamp et al. (2010). The authors welcome reuse of the models and data. For any questions contact Michele Paulatto (

Included files: = traveltime dataset = gravity anomaly dataset = output slowness file = ourput density anomaly file = output density file (density anomaly + reference 1d density model)
paperzsections_2_4_6.pdf = plots of horizontal cross-sections
pvsection_23_23.5.pdf = plots of vertical cross-sections

Coordinates and units
The model coordinates are defined over a local Cartesian coordinate system with origin at longitude -62.4 degrees, latitude 16.5 degrees. Easting, northing and depth are in units of metres from the origin point. Depth is referenced to an elevation of 2000 m above mean sea level and is positive downward (zero Depth corresponds to 2000 m elevation). The Slowness field is in units of s/m and the density is in units of g/cm3.

Northing bounds: 0 / 50000
Easting bounds: 0 / 45000
Depth bounds: 0 / 14500 (-2000 / 12500 )

Reading the models
The contents can be loaded in Python using the netcdf4 library. See example code snippet below.

from netCDF4 import Dataset

a = Dataset('', mode='r')

northing = a.variables['Northing'][:]

easting = a.variables['Easting'][:]

depth = a.variables['Depth'][:]

slowness = a.variables[Slowness][:,:,:]


b = Dataset('', mode='r')

northing = b.variables['Northing'][:]

easting = b.variables['Easting'][:]

depth = b.variables['Depth'][:]

density = b.variables[Density][:,:,:]


c = Dataset('', mode='r')

northing = c.variables['Northing'][:]

easting = c.variables['Easting'][:]

depth = c.variables['Depth'][:]

density_a = c.variables[Density][:,:,:]



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