Original image data and associated analysis pipelines for the manuscript entitled "The global RNA-RNA interactome of Klebsiella pneumoniae unveils a small RNA regulator of cell division"
This folder contains files that are related to the image analysis:
- Results.zip contains all the results
- Code_And_Data.zip contains the input data and JIPipe
- Fiji.app-JIPipe-1.80.0.zip contains the JIPipe installation (for Windows only) that was used to calculate the results (more information can be found in the packaged README.txt)
- project.jip contains the JIPipe 1.80.0 code that was used for generating the results. This file is identical to the one in Code_And_Data.7z
- Methods_Supplements_Image_Analysis.pdf contains explanations about the pipeline
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2051 – Project number 390713860
National Research Data Infrastructure Programme – NFDI 46/1 – Project number 50186465
ProChance Program of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena