dataset_nature_placemaking_SG_2020.csv (36.62 kB)

Nature-placemaking at GUI in Singapore: Survey Data

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Version 3 2021-07-07, 04:17
Version 2 2021-07-07, 04:01
Version 1 2021-07-07, 04:00
posted on 2021-07-07, 04:17 authored by KatoKato
Survey data collected from members at Ground-Up Initiative (GUI) in Singapore regarding their engagement and perceptions about nature-placemaking activities held at GUI.

- The Frequency of Visits (frequency_visits) was measured by one question, “In the past 2 years, on average how many days per year did you visit GUI? (i.e. 80 (days per year)”.

- The Duration of Commitment (commitment) was measured by one question, “Which month and year did you attend an activity in GUI for the first time?”. The duration was attained by calculating months between 1) the date the respondent visited the GUI for the first time and 2) the date the respondent submitted the survey response. For example, if one respondent visited GUI for the first time in November 2017 and submitted the survey response in December 2019, the total duration would be 24 months.

- Types of Programs Engaged (number_programs) was measured by the number of program types attended by the respondents. For example, if one responded have attended Balik Kampong and Sketching before, it would be 2.

- Social Cohesion and Trust (SoCoh) scale consists of five conceptually related items that aim to assess feelings of “trust, shared norms and values, positive and friendly relationships, and feelings of being accepted and belonging” (Forrest & Kearns, 2001; Sampson et al., 2007). Respondents assessed each statement ranging from “1 strongly disagree” to “7 strongly agree”.

- Sense of Community (SOC): The Brief Sense of Community Scale aims to assess four dimensions of sense of community defined in the McMillan and Chavis’ (1986) model.

- Connectedness to Nature (CNS): Participants responded to the modified version of Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS) that intends to assess individuals’ emotional connection to nature and a sense of oneness with the natural world (Mayer & Frantz, 2004).

- Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) is a multidimensional measurement scale developed based on Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000). We used the modified version of IMI, measuring the respondent’s self-reported interest or enjoyment, perceived competence, and perceived choice about activities in GUI. The interest/enjoyment sub-scale (Intrinsic Motivation or IM) represents the self-report measure of intrinsic motivation. The perceived choice and perceived competence concepts are considered as positive predictors of both self-report and behavioral measures of intrinsic motivation.

- Perceived Choice (PChoice) measures how individuals feel they engage in one activity because they choose to do it.

- Perceived Competence (PComp) assesses how effective individuals feel when they are performing a task (Monteiro et al., 2015).

- Self-Esteem (Self_Est): We used the modified version of Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (four items) that assesses respondents’ self-worth by measuring both positive and negative feelings about self (Rosenberg, 1965).

- Self-Efficacy (Self_Eff): We used the New General Self-Efficacy Scale (NGSE) that aims to measure respondents’ “beliefs in one’s capabilities to mobilize the motivation, cognitive resources, and courses of action needed to meet given situational demands” (Bandura, 2010).
