3 files

Mirounga angustirostris blubber transcriptome

posted on 2017-01-09, 15:55 authored by Jane KhudyakovJane Khudyakov, Cory Champagne, Daniel Crocker
Juvenile northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) blubber transcriptome assemblies and annotation. Blubber biopsies were collected during an acute stress challenge induced by administration of a single 30-U dose of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH; Oct-Nov 2014). Blubber samples were collected immediately prior to ("baseline") and 2 and 24 hours following ACTH administration ("acute response" and "recovery", respectively). Mean RNA integrity value for samples was 8.04. Library preparation and Illumina HiSeq 2500 sequencing were conducted at  UC Davis DNA Technologies Core Facility using standard protocols. 

Four baseline, four acute response, and two recovery samples were 100-bp paired-end sequenced on a single Illumina lane, generating mean 32 million reads per sample (SRA Accession: SRP045540). Reads were quality trimmed and abundance normalized using one round of diginorm (khmer v0.8.4; coverage: 20X, k-mer: 20). The raw assembly was produced de novo using Trinity v2.0.6 with default settings. The overall TransRate (v1.0.1) quality score for the assembly was 0.42. The assembly contained 80% of highly conserved vertebrate orthologs (BUSCOs). The filtered assembly was produced using TransDecoder v2.0.1. The annotation report was produced using Trinotate v3.0.0. (SwissProt database downloaded on 3/15/16).



Office of Naval Research Award N00014-15-1-2773
