13 files

Micronutrient supplementation affects DNA methylation signatures in male gonads with predicted intergenerational epigenetic inheritance involving the development of embryonic cells

posted on 2021-03-25, 09:40 authored by Takaya SaitoTakaya Saito
Three groups of Atlantic salmon were fed with graded levels of micronutrient supplementation. Gonad and liver samples were collected at final harvest stage. The samples were processed by two restriction enzymes, MspI and TaqI, for RNA-seq and RRBS.

It contains the following 13 Excel files with formatted and annotated RNA-seq and RRBS results.

1. DEGs for L2:L1
2. DEGs for L3:L1
3. DMCs and CpG sites for L2:L1
4. DMCs and CpG sites for L3:L1
5. DMCs by region for gonad L2:L1
6. DMCs by region for gonad L3:L1
7. DMGs for L2:L1
8. DMGs for L3:L1
9. DEG^DMCs for gonad
10. DEG^DMCs for liver
11. DEG^DMCs for G&L
12. common DMCs
13. common DMGs

Detailed descriptions of the data are found in the Additional File 1 of Saito et al., 2021.
