3 files

Methane production & oxidation rates in lakes and reservoirs

Version 2 2021-04-07, 17:47
Version 1 2021-04-07, 17:29
posted on 2021-04-07, 17:47 authored by Sofia D'AmbrosioSofia D'Ambrosio, John Harrison
Here, we present a dataset of methane (CH4) production & oxidation rates measured in peer-reviewed studies of lakes and reservoirs. The dataset includes rates of sediment CH4 production, sediment CH4 oxidation, and/or water column CH4 oxidation rates measured with a commonly methodology (incubations) in 107 different lakes and reservoirs (n=77 studies). For each rate measurement, information on lake location, latitude, trophic status, incubation method, and incubation temperature are included.

The ch4_processing_data.xls spreadsheet contains the data from each study, whereas ch4_processing_refs.xls contains a list of full citations for each study.

This dataset is associated with its companion manuscript, 'Methanogenesis exceeds CH4 consumption in eutrophic lake sediments', published to the journal Limnology & Oceanography Letters. The Metadata-LO-Letters.pdf contains metadata for both spreadsheets in the required Limnology & Oceanography Letters template.


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