37 files

Metadata record for the manuscript: Targeting the Epichaperome As an Effective Precision Medicine Approach in a Novel PML-SYK Fusion Acute Myeloid Leukemia

posted on 2021-05-05, 15:33 authored by Mayumi Sugita, David C. Wilkes, Rohan Bareja, Kenneth W Eng, Sarah Nataraj, Reyna A Jimenez-Flores, LunBiao Yan, Jeanne Pauline De Leon, Jaclyn A. Croyle, Justin Kaner, Swathi Merugu, Sahil Sharma, Theresa Y. MacDonald, Zohal Noorzad, Palak Panchal, Danielle Pancirer, Shuhua Cheng, Jenny Z Xiang, Luke Olson, Koen Van Besien, David S Rickman, Susan Mathew, Wayne Tam, Mark A. Rubin, Himisha Beltran, Andrea Sboner, Duane C. Hassane, Gabriela Chiosis, Olivier Elemento, Gail J. Roboz, Juan Miguel Mosquera, Monica L. Guzman


This metadata record provides details of the data supporting the claims of the related manuscript: “Targeting the Epichaperome As an Effective Precision Medicine Approach in a Novel PML-SYK Fusion Acute Myeloid Leukemia ”.

The related study aimed to prospectively identify patients likely to respond to epichaperome inhibitors to measure target engagement and dependency during treatment by developing a flow cytometry-based assay for evaluation and monitoring of epichaperome abundance at the single-cell level.

Subject of data: leukaemia cells from a patient with an unclassified myeloproliferative neoplasm harbouring a novel PML-SYK fusion that transformed to AML

Sample size: case report containing data from a single patient

Data access

All data are shared openly. The RNA sequencing and whole exome sequencing data are shared in the European Genotype-phenotype Archive under accession All other data are shared as part of this figshare metadata record. A list of which datafiles underlie which figures in the manuscript is also included in Excel .xlsx format in the file ‘sugita_datafiles_underlying_figures_lookup.xlsx’.

Corresponding authors

Monica L. Guzman, Ph.D., Weill Cornell Medicine, 1300 York Ave, C-610C, Box 113, New York, NY 10065. Email:

Juan Miguel Mosquera, M.D, M.Sc., Weill Cornell Medicine, 1300 York Ave, Box 69, New York, NY 10065. Email:

Name of Institutional Review Board or ethics committee that approved the study

All experimental procedures were carried out in accordance with approved guidelines and were approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Weill Cornell Medicine. Patients in the study signed informed written consent under an IRB-approved protocol (IRB #1305013903).


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services | NIH | National Cancer Institute (NCI) - 1R01CA234478-01

Hirschl/Weill-Caulier Research Award


Research Data Support

This record was produced by Springer Nature’s Research Data Support service. This service focuses on maximising the findability and accessibility of the data, and does not involve peer review of data.