4 files

MOSAIC trait database

posted on 2022-09-07, 17:23 authored by Connor BernardConnor Bernard, Gabriel Silva Santos, Jacques Deere, Roberto Rodriguez-Caro, Pol Capdevila, Erik Kusch, Samuel Gascoigne, John Jackson, Roberto Salguero-Gómez

Database files for the MOSAIC database (See associated manuscript: MOSAIC: A Unified Trait Database to Complement Structured Population Models for more information and guidance).

See, also, user guide and further information on the MOSAIC portal:

The primary key for linking databases is the species name.

File #1 - Primary trait database file, organised by species name (csv).

Filte #2 - ERA-5 climate data for all population models in COMADRE, COMPADRE, and PADRIN (csv). Organised by population model ID.

File #3 - OTL phylogeny for species in the COMADRE and COMPADRE databases. Note that these data files are intended for loading and use in R using the ape package. (txt)


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