4 files

Lukas et al. 2021: Data from "Consistent behavioral syndrome across seasons in an invasive freshwater fish"

Version 2 2021-01-18, 10:41
Version 1 2020-11-28, 19:15
posted on 2021-01-18, 10:41 authored by Juliane LukasJuliane Lukas, Gregor KalinkatGregor Kalinkat, Friedrich Wilhelm Miesen, Tim Landgraf, Jens Krause, David Bierbach
Topic: We explore whether dispersing individuals of a non-native species exhibit behavioral types that differ from those remaining in the source population by investigating a feral population of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in Germany that undergoes a yearly range shift cycle.

DATA_Gillbach_Sampling_2016 - record of (native and non-native) fish sampled at the Gillbach in 2016
Fish were collected from a thermally-altered creek, the Gillbach, in Germany. Samplings were conducted during three occasions (March, June, August) in 2016 and at three sites (Gillbach source, 1km and 2km downstream). Guppies were found at site 1 during all three occasions. We did not encounter any guppies downstream of site 2 during any of the samplings.

DATA_Gillbach_Temp_2016 - temperature profile of the two collection sites, from which feral guppies were sampled.
Water temperature fluctuations were logged with HOBO data loggers for one year (sampling rate 1 obs/4h) at the source of the Gillbach (site 1) and one kilometer downstream (site 2). Unfortunately, not all loggers could be retrieved at site 2, resulting in missing data.

DATA_Gillbach_behavior - Laboratory behavioral experiments on guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from a feral population in Germany. In 2016, guppies were found at site 1 during all three occasions, but at site 2 we only found sufficient numbers (for behavioral testing) in August. A total of 166 fish were tested personality trait expression, assessing boldness (as latency to emerge from a shelter), sociability (as mean distance the fish kept to a biomimetic robot) and activity (mean velocity with which the fish explored the open arena). Each fish was tested a total of three times. The trait values were obtained from 2D video tracking (XY-position data can be supplied upon request).


German Research Foundation (BI 1828/2-1, LA 3534/1-1, KA 3029/2-1, EXC 2002/1 - 'Science of Intelligence' (project number 390523135))

Elsa-Neumann-Scholarship from the state of Berlin

German Ichthyological Society
