
Interactive community responses to disturbance in streams: disturbance history moderates the influence of disturbance types

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posted on 2019-04-08, 00:48 authored by Roland Eveleens, Angus McIntosh, Helen J. Warburton

Data for Eveleens, McIntosh and Warburton 2019 "Interactive community responses to disturbance in streams: disturbance history moderates the influence of disturbance types" testing the relationship between disturbance history and type on aquatic invertebrate community composition using an in-stream channel experiment.

This dataset includes invertebrate abundance data for both the communities within the experimental channels and the drift of invertebrates out of channels, measured during disturbance treatments. For this experiment, disturbance treatments included three disturbance types (flooding, drying and a control) applied to individual channels nested within two levels of disturbance history ('stable' and 'frequently disturbed' streams). Full details can be found at
