pntd.0009712.s006.xlsx (12.03 kB)

Infection presence models for S. haematobium.

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posted on 2021-09-27, 17:32 authored by Isabel J. Jones, Susanne H. Sokolow, Andrew J. Chamberlin, Andrea J. Lund, Nicolas Jouanard, Lydie Bandagny, Raphaël Ndione, Simon Senghor, Anne-Marie Schacht, Gilles Riveau, Skylar R. Hopkins, Jason R. Rohr, Justin V. Remais, Kevin D. Lafferty, Armand M. Kuris, Chelsea L. Wood, Giulio De Leo

Infection presence (binomial GLMM) model results for S. haematobium, comparing models that integrated non-emergent vegetation coverage in nearshore extents (1 m to 5 m sampling radii) and offshore extents (45 m to 120 m sampling radii). All predictors were centered and scaled. Bolded p-values represent statistically significant factors.

