1990_final_1km.tif (276.96 MB)
1995_final_1km.tif (276.97 MB)
2000_final_1km.tif (276.91 MB)
2005_final_1km.tif (399.71 MB)
2006_final_1km.tif (399.55 MB)
2007_final_1km.tif (399.53 MB)
2008_final_1km.tif (399.53 MB)
2009_final_1km.tif (399.53 MB)
2010_final_1km.tif (399.23 MB)
2011_final_1km.tif (277.5 MB)
2012_final_1km.tif (399.19 MB)
2013_final_1km.tif (399.5 MB)
2014_final_1km.tif (399.48 MB)
2015_final_1km.tif (399.49 MB)
2016_final_1km.tif (399.51 MB)
2017_final_1km.tif (399.51 MB)
2018_final_1km.tif (591.76 MB)
2019_final_1km.tif (591.43 MB)
2020_final_1km.tif (399.89 MB)
19 files

Global surface NO2 concentrations 1990-2020

Version 4 2021-01-15, 15:21
Version 3 2021-01-15, 15:20
Version 2 2020-09-17, 21:49
Version 1 2020-09-17, 16:59
posted on 2021-01-15, 15:21 authored by Arash MoheghArash Mohegh, Susan AnenbergSusan Anenberg
Annual Global surface level Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) concentration levels (ppb) for years 1990-2020 ({1990,1995,2000}+{2005-2020}) provided at 1km spatial resolution. The data-set is results of combining multiple products such as a land use regression model (Larkin et al. 2017), a in-house OMI level 3 product, and other data-sets in order to adjust and correct for satellite pass time and cloud coverage. The NetCDF files can be found at this link:
Please contact Susan Anenberg at for more information. The associated paper can be downloaded from this link:
