pone.0258977.s001.xlsx (15.42 kB)

Gene symbols, names, and cochlear expressions of the 84 immune-related genes examined by real-time RT-PCR array in this study.

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posted on 2021-10-22, 17:25 authored by Kensuke Uraguchi, Yukihide Maeda, Junko Takahara, Ryotaro Omichi, Shohei Fujimoto, Shin Kariya, Kazunori Nishizaki, Mizuo Ando

The expressions of inflammatory and immune-related genes in the cochleae of 12-month-old relative to 6–7-week-old mice are tabulated. The expressions of 84 immune-related genes were analyzed by real-time RT-PCR array. As a result, 33 upregulated and 7 downregulated genes were detected with greater than a twofold or less than a 0.5-fold change, respectively, with a P-value <0.05 for significantly different expression levels between the 12-month-old and 6–7-week-old mice (n = 3, t-test).

