GBR_Whitsunday.csv (171 kB)


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posted on 2019-10-15, 19:54 authored by Pubudu AWLPubudu AWL
Time-Sampling years

Cyclone exposure-0 = No cyclone effects, 1 = Some cyclone effects

Bleaching exposure-0= No coral bleaching,1; 1% or more coral bleached

CoTS-Mean A.solaris densities

Shelf position-(1= inshore/inner shelf;2 = middle shelf;3 = outer shelf)

Bathymetry-Depth below sea level

Opened reef-Protected areas where no fishing is allowed. 1 = no-take, 0 = otherwise

Sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA)-Difference between measured Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and the monthly long-term mean SST (°C)

Light attenuation-Attenuation coefficient (between 0 and 1):

Chlorophyll- Long term mean concentration (µg/m³) of chlorophyll A

CRS_T_AV-Temperature (mean ºC) at the sea surface

Primary-Primary flood plume frequency (weeks occurred/total weeks) during wet season (max = 26)

Secondary-Secondary flood plume

Tertiary-Representing further extent of plume
