frequency distribution.xlsx (19.8 kB)

Frequency distribution of willowy flounder (Tanakius kitaharae) and Alaska pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus)

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posted on 2016-10-19, 04:34 authored by Akihiro ManabeAkihiro Manabe, Takashi Yamakawa, Shuhei Ohnishi, Tatsuro Akamine, Yoji Narimatsu, Hiroshige Tanaka, Tetsuichiro Funamoto, Yuji Ueda, Takeo Yamamoto
Frequency distribution of length at age data of willowy flounder (Tanakius kitaharae) and length at age and gonad weight data of Alaska pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) used in the article: A novel growth function incorporating the effects of reproductive investment.

The length at age data for Alaska pollock and willowy flounder and the gonad weight at length data for Alaska pollock are converted into frequency distribution to avoid complexity of raw data and to enhance usability.
