Pvind_Arsenophonus_cipattrans_dataonesheet.xlsx (5.71 MB)

F1 P. vindemmiae progeny recovered from factorial crosses with Arsenophonus infected and uninfected mother and father wasps

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posted on 2022-08-25, 11:59 authored by Greg HurstGreg Hurst, Pol Nadal-Jimenez, Stefanos Siozios, Steven Parratt

Female P. vindemmiae wasps with and without Arsenophonus were crossed to males with and without Arsenophonus in a full factorial design, and then permitted to lay on D. melanogaster pupae. The number of flies emerging were recorded alongside the sex and number of F1 wasp progeny. One or two wasps per replicate were then tested for Arsenophonus presence by PCR. In addition, Wolbachia presence was also tested.

Column A: Treatment code (each colour represents a different cross type).

Column B: Replicate within cross type.

Column C: Cross type. First set is the female, second male. A+ = Arsenophonus +ve W+ = Wolbachia positive. A- =Arsenophonus -ve W- Wolbachia -ve.

Column D: # flies emerging within 48 hours (measure of unparasitized fly pupae).

Mother data:

Column E: QC PCR outcome for mother. + = good DNA, - = poor DNA

Column F: PCR assay for mother for Wolbachia outcome: += present, -= absent

Column G: PCR assay for mother for Arsenophonus outcome test 1: += present, -= absent

Column H: PCR assay for mother for Arsenophonus test 2 outcome (HS PCR): += present, -= absent

Column I: Conclusion concerning mother Arsenophonus/Wolbachia status from data in columns E-H. A+ = Arsenophonus +ve W+ = Wolbachia positive. A- =Arsenophonus -ve W- Wolbachia -ve.

Brood data:

Column J: # wasp offspring emerging.

Column K: # flies surviving

Column L: # female wasps emerging

Column M: #male wasps emerging.

Column N: % male wasps in brood (males/total)

Column O: # parasitized flies where wasp did not appear

Column P: #Flies that died

Column Q: fate unknown

Individual F1 progeny infection status:

Offspring 1:

Column R: sex of wasp

Column S: QC status of DNA (+ = pass, - = fail)

Column T: PCR assay for Wolbachia (+= present, - = absent)

Column U: PCR assay for Arsenophonus  (+= present, - = absent)

Column V: Conclusion for infection status of wasp one (A+ = Arsenophonus present, W+= Wolbachia present).

Offspring 2

Column W: sex of wasp

Column X: QC status of DNA (+ = pass, - = fail)

Column Y: PCR assay for Wolbachia (+= present, - = absent)

Column Z: PCR assay for Arsenophonus  (+= present, - = absent)

Column AA: Conclusion for infection status of wasp two (A+ = Arsenophonus present, W+= Wolbachia present).


Establishing the genetic basis of symbiosis in an insect host

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