6 files

Students performance prediction data set - traditional vs. online learning

Version 5 2021-03-28, 15:03
Version 4 2021-03-27, 21:41
Version 3 2021-03-27, 21:41
Version 2 2021-03-27, 21:35
Version 1 2021-03-27, 21:31
posted on 2021-03-28, 15:03 authored by Gabriela Czibula, Maier Mariana, Zsuzsanna Onet-MarianZsuzsanna Onet-Marian
The six data sets were created for an undergraduate course at the Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, held for second year students in the autumn semester. The course is taught both in Romanian and English with the same content and evaluation rules in both languages. The six data sets are the following:
- FirstCaseStudy_RO_traditional_2019-2020.txt - contains data about the grades from the 2019-2020 academic year (when traditional face-to-face teaching method was used) for the Romanian language
- FirstCaseStudy_RO_online_2020-2021.txt - contains data about the grades from the 2020-2021 academic year (when online teaching was used) for the Romanian language
- SecondCaseStudy_EN_traditional_2019-2020.txt - contains data about the grades from the 2019-2020 academic year (when traditional face-to-face teaching method was used) for the English language
- SecondCaseStudy_EN_online_2020-2021.txt - contains data about the grades from the 2020-2021 academic year (when online teaching was used) for the English language
- ThirdCaseStudy_Both_traditional_2019-2020.txt - the concatenation of the two data sets for the 2019-2020 academic year (so all instances from FirstCaseStudy_RO_traditional_2019-2020 and SecondCaseStudy_EN_traditional_2019-2020 together)
- ThirdCaseStudy_Both_online_2020-2021.txt - the concatenation of the two data sets for the 2020-2021 academic year (so all instances from FirstCaseStudy_RO_online_2020-2021 and SecondCaseStudy_EN_online_2020-2021 together)

Instances from the data sets for the 2019-2020 academic year contain 12 attributes (in this order):
- the grades received by the student for 7 laboratory assignments that were presented during the semester. For assignments that were not turned in a grade of 0 was given. Possible values are between 0 and 10
- the grades received by the student for 2 practical exams. If a student did not participate in a practical exam, de grade was 0. Possible values are between 0 and 10.
- the number of seminar activities that the student had. Possible values are between 0 and 7.
- the final grade the student received for the course. It is a value between 4 and 10.
- the category of the final grade:
- E for grades 10 or 9
- G for grades 8 or 7
- S for grades 6 or 5
- F for grade 4

Instances from the data sets for the 2020-2021 academic year contain 10 attributes (in this order):
- the grades received by the student for 7 laboratory assignments that were presented during the semester. For assignments that were not turned in a grade of 0 was given. Possible values are between 0 and 10
- a seminar bonus computed based on the number of seminar activities the student had during the semester, which was added to the final grade. Possible values are between 0 and 0.5.
- the final grade the student received for the course. It is a value between 4 and 10.
- the category of the final grade:
- E for grades 10 or 9
- G for grades 8 or 7
- S for grades 6 or 5
- F for grade 4
