Version 3 2022-09-21, 15:06Version 3 2022-09-21, 15:06
Version 2 2022-09-20, 15:15Version 2 2022-09-20, 15:15
Version 1 2022-07-16, 18:03Version 1 2022-07-16, 18:03
posted on 2022-09-21, 15:06authored byAlejandro Mossi Albiach
Raw RNA locations of a visual cortex human brain section produced by EEL FISH for 445 genes.
RNA files are in the .parquet format which can be opened with FISHscale ( or any other parquet file reader (
RNA .parquet files
Position and gene label for all RNA molecules.
"c_px_microscope_stitched" contains X coordinates.
"r_px_microscope_stitched" contians Y coordinates.
The unit are pixels with a size of 0.18 micrometer. Multiply by 0.18 to get um scale.
"hamming_distance" is the hamming distance divided by the barcode length (16). The closer to 0 the better the barcode.
Gene colors .pkl file
Pickled Python dictionary with gene colors used in the paper.