The dataset contains EEG signals from 11 subjects with labels of alert and drowsy. It can be opened with Matlab. We extracted the data for our own research purpose from another public dataset:
Cao, Z., et al., Multi-channel EEG recordings during a sustained-attention driving task. Scientific data, 2019. 6(1): p. 1-8.
If you find the dataset useful, please give credits to their works.
The details on how the data were extracted are described in our paper:
"Jian Cui, Zirui Lan, Yisi Liu, Ruilin Li, Fan Li, Olga Sourina, Wolfgang Müller-Wittig, A Compact and Interpretable Convolutional Neural Network for Cross-Subject Driver Drowsiness Detection from Single-Channel EEG, Methods, 2021, ISSN 1046-2023,"