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EC2_B76.nwb (1.73 GB)


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posted on 2019-08-15, 11:49 authored by Ben Dichter, Edward F Chang

The enclosed data is collected using a high-density 256-channel electrocorticography array implanted in a human patient during treatment for epilepsy. The subjects are reading aloud consonant-vowel syllables from a list. The data was collected by Dr. Edward Chang at the University of California, San Francisco, and curated by Ben Dichter.

Data is organized by subject ID, and each file is a continuous recording session in Neurodata Without Borders: Neurophysiology (NWB:N) 2.0 format. Voltage traces are included for each of the recorded 256 channels. Microphone signal was recorded at the time but is removed for HIPAA compliance. Detailed hand-marked annotations are provided which mark what syllable was said, and the times of the start, consonant-vowel transition, and end of each syllable. A rest-period time is also included when the subject was silent, which can be used as a baseline. Hand-marked anatomical labels are included for electrodes in the relevant brain regions. All dates have been removed for HIPAA compliance and replaced with Jan 1, 1900.




