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Dialectical Model of Human Nature

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Version 3 2013-01-29, 17:43
Version 2 2013-01-29, 17:43
Version 1 2013-01-29, 17:14
posted on 2013-01-29, 17:14 authored by Jonathan CachatJonathan Cachat

The DMoHN is a graphical representation of my current understanding and conceptualization of human nature, in addition to embodying the guiding ethos of social neuroscience. The dialectic is a logic, or way of thinking that joins opposite elements together in a uniting fashion to create emergent attributes not present in the elements alone. The dialectical structure of this model explicitly links Culture and Biology within the human brain in order to convey the symbiotic and dynamic interaction between these two realms of scientific thought and the natural world. It is always under revision, so check back for updates.
