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Degraded Artefact Image Data Set

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posted on 2023-11-27, 08:37 authored by Ruxandra StoeanRuxandra Stoean, Catalin StoeanCatalin Stoean, Leonard Ionescu

The data set consists of 334 images of 1920x1080 pixels extracted from a video file of an artefact from the Restoration and Conservation Laboratory, Oltenia Museum, Craiova, Romania. The ones where the broken part is visible have associatated masks to cover the missing parts. The images can be used for image inpainting, as well as for 3D modelling.

The video file included resulted from an approach that is presented in the article below, which is submitted for publication in Journal of Cultural Heritage.

Ruxandra Stoean, Nebojsa Bacanin, Catalin Stoean, Leonard Ionescu, Bridging the Past and Present: AI-Driven 3D Restoration of Degraded Artefacts for Museum Digital Display, submitted to Journal of Cultural Heritage.

If you publish material based on the current database, please refer the paper above within the References.

The study took part within the project Object PErception and Reconstruction with deep neural Architectures (OPERA)


Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation, CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number 178PCE/2021, PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0788
