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Deep-sea sediments from southern Gulf of Mexico harbor a wide diversity of PKS I genes

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posted on 2022-05-16, 01:51 authored by Maikel Gilberto Fernández LópezMaikel Gilberto Fernández López, Ayixon Sánchez-ReyesAyixon Sánchez-Reyes, Clara Barcelos, Karla Sidón-Ceseña, Ricardo B. Leite, Asunción Lago-Lestón

Supplementary Material for paper: Deep-sea sediments from southern Gulf of Mexico harbor a wide diversity of PKS I genes. 


Research funded by the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico - Mexican Ministry of Energy - Hydrocarbon Trust, project 201441. This is a contribution of the Gulf of Mexico Research Consortium (CIGoM)
