5 files

Database of freshwater macroinvertebrate occurrences across Cuba

Version 10 2023-02-22, 14:34
Version 9 2023-02-22, 12:16
Version 8 2023-02-21, 13:28
Version 7 2023-02-21, 13:17
Version 6 2023-02-21, 12:56
Version 5 2023-02-14, 15:12
Version 4 2022-11-05, 15:25
Version 3 2022-11-05, 15:20
Version 2 2022-11-01, 13:10
Version 1 2022-09-19, 13:12
posted on 2023-02-22, 14:34 authored by Yusdiel Torres-CambasYusdiel Torres-Cambas, Yoandri S. Megna, Juan Carlos Salazar-Salina, Yander L. Diez, Alejandro Catalá JimenezAlejandro Catalá Jimenez, Adrian D. Trapero-Quintana, Boris Schröder, Sami Domisch


File “occurrence_records.csv”: a dataset of georeferenced occurrence records of freshwater flatworms (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida), insects (Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Hemiptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera), crabs and shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda), and mollusks (Mollusca) of Cuba. The information was collated from the scientific literature, unpublished field records, museum collections and online databases. The dataset is organized in 32 fields that contains information about the taxonomic classification of each recorded species; sex, and life stage of individuals; location, author and date of the record and a reference to the original data source.

File “species_list.csv”: an updated species list of 590 species of tricladid flatworms (Tricladida, phylum Platyhelminthes), the insect orders Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies), Trichoptera (cadiflies) and freshwater Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Decapoda (crabs and shrimps, subphylum Crustacea) and Mollusca from Cuba created after a revision of the literature. Only binomial scientific names (genus + species) were considered, avoiding the use of subgenus and subespecies categories. This list was taken as taxonomic reference to search information on species occurrence records and compile the information stored in “occurrence_records.csv”.

File “fields_database.docx”: list of fields and definitions used in the dataset (file “occurrence_records.csv”) of freshwater macroinvertebrates occurrence records from Cuba. Terms and definitions are according to Darwin Core standards (dc, ), Freshwater Core Template at Freshwater Biodiversity Data Portal (fwct, and Global Biodiversity Information Facility (gbif, ). 

File “scr_tech_val.R”: R script to screen “occurrence_records.csv” for georeferencing errors, incomplete information and redundant occurrence records.

File “scr_down_o_gbif_inat.R”: R script to download species occurrence records from GBIF and iNaturalist included in “occurrence_records.csv”. 


Georg Foster Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (3.2 - CUB -292 1212347 - GF-P)

Leibniz Competition (J45/2018)

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF grant agreement number no. 033W034A)

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation trough a Digital Cooperation Fellowship293 (Ref. 3.4 - CUB / 1161268)

Georg Foster Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Ref 3.2 - CUB - 1226121 - GF-P)
