4 files

Dataset for the Paper: "Analyzing Europe's Biggest Offshore Wind Farms: a Data set With 40 Years of Hourly Wind Speeds and Electricity Production"

posted on 2022-02-24, 12:46 authored by Fabian KächeleFabian Kächele, Oliver Grothe, Mira Watermeyer
The data in this repository consists of 4 files. This includes a readme file [readme.txt], a file summarizing the wind speed [All_Windspeed_Data.csv], a file for the resulting power outputs [All_Power_Data.csv],and a zip-file including detailed data for each wind farm []. Each file can be downloaded seperatly or colectivly by clicking the "Download all"-Button.

The structure of this repository is as follows:

├── readme.txt (this file)

├── All_Power_Data.csv (Power time series of wind farms)

├── All_Windspeed_Data.csv (Windspeed time series of wind farms)

├── Data_Per_Wind_Farm (folder including csv-files for each wind farm)
├── Baie_de_Saint_Brieuc
├── Baltic_Eagle
├── Beatrice
├── Borkum_Riffgrund
├── Borssele_(Phase_1,2)
├── Borssele_(Phase_3,4)
├── Dieppe_et_Le_Treport
├── Dogger_Bank_(Phase_A,B)
├── East_Anglia_One
├── Gemini
├── Gode_Wind
├── Greater_Gabbard
├── Gwynt_y_Mor
├── Hautes_Falaises
├── Hohe_See
├── Hollandse_Kust_Noord
├── Hollandse_Kust_Zuid
├── Horns_Rev
├── Hornsea_(Project_1)
├── Hornsea_(Project_2)
├── Iles_dYeu_et_de_Noirmoutir
├── Kriegers_Flak
├── London_Array
├── Moray_Firth
├── Race_Bank
├── Seagreen
├── Seamade
├── Triton_Knoll
├── Walney

In the 29 files included in the zip-file [], we report detailed data for each wind farm. Therein, each column includs one variable while each row represents one point in time.
Namely, the columns contain:
- time
- u-component of wind 100m above ground
- v-component of wind 100m above ground
- forecasted surface roughness (fsr)
- scaled windspeed at hub heigts (heigt given in parentheses - multiple time series possible)
- Wind direction in degrees
- Power of wind turbines (type given in parentheses - multiple time series possible)
- Turn_off (0: turbine turned off because of strong winds, 1: turbines active)
- Power (resulting power output of wind farm over all turbine types).

Starting from January 1, 1980, 00:00 am UTC in the first row, the data set ranges up to December 31, 2019, 11:00 pm in the last of 350640 rows.

Similar to the detailed files per wind farm, each row in the two csv files [All_Power_Data.csv , All_Windspeed_Data.csv] reporting wind speed at hub height and total power represent one point in time for the same period.
In the [All_Power_Data.csv] each row gives the sythetic resulting power outout in MW of one wind farm. I.e., the dataset includes 29 columns one for each wind farm.
In the [All_Windspeed_Data.csv] each row gives the calculated windspeed im 100m above ground in m/s at the position of each wind farm. I.e., the dataset includes 29 columns one for each wind farm.

Data generated using Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1980-2019] and containing modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1980-2019].
