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Dataset for "Generation and Impacts of Whistler-mode Waves during Energetic Electron Injections in Jupiter’s Outer Radiation Belt"

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Version 2 2024-03-08, 20:21
Version 1 2024-03-07, 06:56
posted on 2024-03-08, 20:21 authored by Qianli MaQianli Ma, Wen LiWen Li, Xiao-Jia Zhang, Jacob Bortnik, Xiaochen Shen, Alec DalyAlec Daly, William Kurth, Barry H. Mauk, Frederic Allegrini, John E. P. Connerney, Fran Bagenal, Scott J Bolton

This is the dataset for.the paper "Generation and Impacts of Whistler-mode Waves during Energetic Electron Injections in Jupiter’s Outer Radiation Belt" submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.

Energetic particle injections are commonly observed in Jupiter’s magnetosphere and have important impacts on the radiation belts. We evaluate the roles of electron injections in the dynamics of whistler-mode waves and relativistic electrons using Juno measurements and wave-particle interaction modeling. The Juno spacecraft observed injected electron flux bursts at energies up to 300 keV at M shell ~11 near the magnetic equator during perijove-31. The electron injections are correlated with chorus wave bursts at 0.05-0.5 fce frequencies, where fce is the electron gyrofrequency. The electron pitch angle distributions are anisotropic, peaking near 90° pitch angle, and the fluxes are high during injections. We calculate the whistler-mode wave growth rates using the observed electron distributions and linear theory. The frequency spectrum of the wave growth rate is consistent with that of the observed chorus magnetic intensity, suggesting that the observed electron injections provide free energy to generate whistler-mode chorus waves. We further use quasilinear theory to model the impacts of chorus waves on 0.1-10 MeV electrons. Our modeling shows that the chorus waves could cause the pitch angle scattering loss of electrons at <1 MeV energies and accelerate relativistic electrons at multiple MeV energies in Jupiter’s outer radiation belt. The electron injections also provide an important seed population at several hundred keV energies to support the acceleration to higher energies. Our wave-particle interaction modeling demonstrates the energy flow from the electron injections to the relativistic electron population through the medium of whistler-mode waves in Jupiter's outer radiation belt.


NASA subcontract 699046X and subcontract Q99064JAR under prime contract ZZM06AA75C, NASA grants 80NSSC20K0196, 80NSSC20K0557, and 80NSSC24K0572, and the NSF grants AGS-2021749 and AGS-2225445
